
'Results Give Us A Lot Of Confidence' Mulally

'Results Give Us A Lot Of Confidence' - Mulally
By Glady Reign

So far, so good. That was the message that the Ford Motor Co. is trying to convey in connection with its first quarter earnings. Ford CEO Alan Mulally said, 'We exceeded our expectations across the board.

Those expecting more bad news were astonished by Fords better-than-expected sales results with a net loss of $282 million that surpassed Wall Street's expectations and triggered a diffident rally in the automakers stock. This is the Fords way of saying that it is back to profitability. But the battle has just begun.

The automaker said that it lost $282 million in the first quarter of the year - a noteworthy improvement from its $1.4 billion loss a year ago. Ford's first quarter revenue totaled $43 billion and that amount is up from the $40.8 billion in the previous year.

In an interview Mulally intimated, We exceeded our expectations across the board, meaning across all of our brands and across all of Ford operations. Across-the-board improvement. Improvement on the revenue side and also improvement on the productivity and the cost side. And that's why we're very encouraged about this. Because our plan addresses the restructuring on the cost side and the quality side, but also with the acceleration of new product it addresses the revenue side. So to see these results gives us a lot of confidence that we have the right plan.

When asked about the areas the automakers did worse than expected, Mulally said they do not have an area that they did worse. He added, One kind of neat thing that came out - maybe we didn't share it as clearly as we could - creating a viable Ford Motor Co. and this transition is not just about the Blue Oval in North America. This is about all of our operations worldwide and all of our brands. And our plan is to improve our quality and our productivity and make cars and trucks that people want across the entire Ford operations. And part of what you saw today was that plan working. Not only did North America exceed their plan, everybody did. Which is a great story.

With the guidance that we have given - the reason that we went through that very carefully - it's a very good story that through 2007 year-end we believe that we are going to improve our automotive operations over last year. We have three quarters to go and the quarters are lumpy. There are lots of moving pieces through the quarters. Then year-over-year it can be a tough comparison because the plan is to go down in production - you know, to the lower demand and the changing model mix. But clearly even with all of the headwinds we are facing, our best estimate is that we will actually improve the automotive operations this year, the first year of our turnaround, Mulally noted.

Mullaly, formerly Boeings CEO, has been with Ford in the past six months. When asked about his biggest frustration, he answered: I don't have a frustration. It's hard work and you've got a lot of people involved. This is just such a positive indicator that the plan is working. Ford has been busy checking on the quality of the Volvo distributor rotor and other auto parts. This is to ensure outstanding customer feedback.

He added, This is a wonderful transformation of a great company and it didn't do anything wrong, it was focused on big SUVs and trucks. The world changed. People want a full product line, delightful cars, fuel-efficient, reliable, great quality across the entire family. And that's what we put in place, to aggressively restructure and (adapt) to the changing world and get back to profitability and to accelerate new product development. And to see - for everybody to see - that this plan is working gives a lot of encouragement to keep going.

When asked about his meeting with the Ford family, Mulally simply said, I had the pleasure to meet with them and I just gave them an update on the business. And their message I think was that they were very supportive.

In regard Mulallys meeting with the employees, the CEO said, It was a very gratifying meeting. I had a chance to share our story and the progress in each of the areas of the world and each of the brands. We had about 400 people here in Detroit and then we were netted with everybody else around the world. Of course it's a great story to be able to share because it represents all of their hard work. He concluded, And to see their smiles and hear their great questions about the business and going forward and the transformation. I thought it was a terrific meeting.

Glady Reign is a 32 year old is a consultant for an automotive firm based in Detroit, Mi. she is a native of the motor city and grew up around cars hence her expertise in the automotive field. Please visit Volvo distributor rotor for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=GladyReign

Your Worst Driving Nightmare! Driving Instructor in Ireland Reveals the Secrets of Gallic Charm

Your Worst Driving Nightmare! Driving Instructor in Ireland Reveals the Secrets of Gallic Charm
By Robin Piggott

One of the first articles we published in 2005 commenced the story of a little Gallic number and the horrors of being on the receiving end of a Monday Morning car, or perhaps it was a Friday afternoon example and Les Franais were about to demonstrate their Rugby prowess by annihilating their favourite enemy thereby emptying the Factory in record time.

Either way it didnt make much difference because in all the years of Automotive History there has never been such a car! However if anyone after reading this current chapter can beat the list of faults and eclipse the dissatisfaction rating, we will be glad to hear from them. We might even publish it on our Garage Horror Stories Archive on the Web Site! You are going to have to come up with something the equal of Frankenstein meets Alien or you are simply not at the races! Actually we never got to the races because with just 70 miles on the clock on day two the car went into self destruct mode and refused to take us any further!

Sadly, the Main Dealer who supplied this poorly constructed example of Automotive construction at its worst, had not been attending the Classes for Irate Customer Retrieval which are run regularly throughout the Autumn and Winter months when Car sales are a little slow and well, the Certificate of Attendance looks good on a C.V. ! We are talking here about the little list of accomplishments that accompany Job applications and Career advancement not the enigmatic and thoroughly charming Car of the same name by a certain French Car maker! Perhaps if we had purchased a little C.V. (although few examples existed at that time) we wouldnt be writing this current chapter of the saga!

Still Life is full of Surprises and even fuller when it comes to parting with hard earned cash for those money eating, brain numbing, heartbreaking bits of Technology with the four little black bits that go round and round. (Phrase courtesy of Gary Anderson who for those of you not familiar with Motor Sport is a Formula One Designer and now fascinating Commentator)

Classes in dealing with all kinds of upset Car customers should be mandatory for all Car Sales Personnel and should be paid for by the Manufacturers. After all, without the Car Salesman, the Manufacturers would have a helluva lot of inventory to shift and since they created the problems in the first place it seems only fair that they should solve them dont you think?

After the first few return visits to the said Dealership as parts imploded, shut down or just plain fell off, it was obvious that an early warning alarm system had been hurriedly cobbled together to announce our proximity! When someone did have the unfortunate experience of facing us head on, there were the usual expressions of incredulity and amazement that such a car could possibly be giving trouble. Oh we never have any problems with this model or You have been spectacularly unfortunate with this Car and so onAs anyone will tell you, the fact (disputable!) that no one else is having problems with a particular car or that you have been unlucky, doesnt do anything at all to ease your own particular pain. In fact I think it makes things worse if anything!

What was sadly lacking but all too common was the need to appreciate that when things go wrong Hell they gotta get fixed and Pronto AND with a smile AND some suitable apologies. Then and maybe only then a Customer might be saved for another day. But what the heck we dont need to bother with customers OR their problems weve got a never ending queue of victims waiting to part with their cash for the latest model thats been well advertised on T.V. so why worry?

I think this must be the derivation of the commonly used phrase now No Worries Picture the Car salesman viewing the queue of Customers waiting at the door come opening timeall he has to do is chant the personal mantra quietly to himself No Worries and all will be well . Did you ever hear of a Car Salesman being lynched?

The gruesome details would make a grown man weepI should know I was there! Do you want the shortened version or the Directors Cut? The fully unexpurgated version will be available shortly on the web site but it is being digitally enhanced as we speak so here are just a few titbits to keep you amused:

Week One All Electrics Down No Can fix! Temporary replacement for booked holiday!

Month One Front Shock Absorber ceases to Absorb! Head Mechanic says there is no problem. Delighted when after insistence by customer that car be looked at there is a problem after all! Customers dont know squat about Cars! Thats what you think!

Month Six Steering Rack decides not to Steer any more! Why should the Shocks have all the fun? Obviously didnt like the way I took our local corner every day on two wheels! No Part available in Ireland so Coffee and Croissants for four days while car waits patiently on the rack! Its a bit like the Spanish inquisition only French! Driving skills becoming atrophied through lack of use!

Month EightAccelerator Cable decides all this speed is just too much for comfort and just like that Snaps. Bank Holiday weekend ends in confrontation with Lady Friend and a Taxi home and complete misery.

I think thats enough to be getting on with dont you?keep your ear to the ground for further instalments!

Robin Piggott is a Driving Instructor in Ireland who brings four decades of experience to his Astral Driving School based in Limerick. His newly refurbed Driving School web site can be found at http://www.astraldrivingschool.ie

Here you can find a treasure trove of everything for the Learner Driver with some hard hitting facts and also pages for the visitor who is contemplating Touring Ireland by Car. If you are in the Lead up to the Driving Test then pick up the free Mini Course Passing the Driving Test First Time and give yourself a better than average chance at success!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=RobinPiggott

'Brand Watch' Finds Best Exteriors For New Truck And Suv Shoppers

'Brand Watch' Finds Best Exteriors For New Truck And Suv Shoppers
By Benjamin Hudson

When buying something, most people intently look at the outer surface of a thing because it oftentimes says the quality and performance.

Kelley Blue Book and Kelley Blue Book Marketing Research announced the results of the Exterior Styling segment of its newest automotive research study, Brand Watch.

Kelley Blue Book Vice President for Marketing and Market Research Rick Wainschel said exterior styling is one of the top decision factors among vehicle shoppers, and consumers' perceptions can add or eliminate a brand from someone's consideration list. He added that the real-time reporting of the Brand Watch data and the ability to see these brand perceptions can be extremely helpful in tracking shifts in new vehicle shopper attitudes and developing responses to those shifts.

The Kelley Blue Book Brand Watch Study on Exterior Styling was further categorized into seven segments. These are the convertibles/Sports cars, Trucks, Minivans, Luxury SUVs, Non Luxury SUVs, Luxury Sedan, and Non Luxury Sedan.

The results gave some surprises. Porsche bested other convertibles or sports cars by ranking number one in the category. It was followed by Mercedes-Benz at rank 2, then by Jaguar at rank 3.

For new trucks, according to auto shoppers, Ford has the best exterior, and then followed by GMC and then Chevrolet. Dodge, Toyota, Nissan, and Honda almost got a spot in the category where it placed fourth, fifth, eight, and eleventh, respectively. In the Minivans category, however, Dodge ranked 1; Toyota ranked 2; and Honda ranked 3.

Consumers find BMW as the luxury SUV with the best exterior, Lexus as the second best and Mercedes-Benz as the third. Meanwhile, on the Non Luxury SUVs, the top three in rank in descending order- is composed of Ford, Toyota and GMC.

BMW indeed proved its luxury when it ranked 1 again in the luxury category, this time, for the Sedan. Mercedes-Benz immediately followed at rank two and Infiniti at rank 3. Meanwhile, on the Non Luxury Sedan, Nissan, Honda and Toyota bagged the first, second, and third place, respectively.

Volkswagen, with its newly enhanced VW valve covers for its new vehicles was not found in the top list of the results. Some said this is because the study was only based on the exterior of the car and not on the engine, which is one of the priority parts of a car.

Jack R. Nerad, the Executive Editorial Director and at the same time the Executive Market Analyst of Kelley Blue Book said that as vehicle reliability reaches near-parity in the market, they predict that exterior styling will play an even bigger role in building new-vehicle sales and brand equity. He further said the results of the Brand Watch study demonstrate that the industry is, and should be, placing great emphasis on what their vehicles look like.

Brand Watch taps into active shoppers to determine their perceptions of automotive brands within specific automotive segments and is available to vehicle manufacturers and auto industry professionals. Brand Watch further deals into how each manufacturer's brand equity differs across vehicle segments, compares the relative standing of each make versus competitive makes, and reveals the decision factors of car-buyers within each make and segment. Also, detailed demographic and psychographic information is collected, reported and detailed throughout Brand Watch's comprehensive study which is available quarterly from Kelley Blue Book Marketing Research.

For more about your VW parts needs like VW valve covers, visit your trusted online source.

Benjamin Hudson works as a supervisor at one of the top engineering firms in the business district of Louisiana. He is also a freelance journalist and has passion for anything automotive.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BenjaminHudson

Global Positioning System (GPS) Internet Vehicle Tracking Can Save

Global Positioning System (GPS) Internet Vehicle Tracking Can Save
By Lillie Davis

Two out of five deaths among U.S. teens are the result of a motor vehicle crash. (Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention 2004) Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death forteenagers who drive. Drivers between the age of 16 and 24 are twenty times more likelyto find themselves in a car accident than any other age group. (National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration)

Teenage drivers are at a higher risk for being in a car crash because:

Lack of driving experience The first few years of driving are the most dangerous; dont let inexperience behind the wheel harm your child.

A tendency to take risks while driving Teens are more likely to be influenced by peer pressure and distractions. This can lead to reckless driving and speeding.

Feeling of invincibility Teens believe theyre going to live forever and that influences their behavior behind the wheel of their 3,000 pound car.
These 3 things combined are a deadly combination.

But Millennium Plus GPS is a tool that allows parents to monitor and protect their teenagedrivers.

When parents urge their teen to be careful driving, they reply yeah, yeah, yeah. Thenonce they turn the corner with the car, you just keep your fingers crossed and wonder, howdoes my teenager really drive? Well, now youll know for sure! If they speed or dosomething with the car you dont approve of, youll know.

The bottom line is that your teenagers life and safety is priceless. Leave Nothing toChance!! Know everything about your teens driving! Better safe than sorry. Yourteenager doesnt have the wisdom of an adult yet. Thats why they need your closesupervision and attention. You can record the whereabouts of your teens car including location and speed plus many other features with a Millennium Plus GPS system. Millennium Plus GPS will help you do your job of being a parent to keep your teen driversafe and injury-free. Peace of Mind is now affordable. Lillie Davis - http://www.falcongpstracking.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=LillieDavis