
10 Pointers for Navigating With Your Vehicle in Ice and Snow

10 Pointers for Navigating With Your Vehicle in Ice and Snow
By Kathy Steinemann

Even so-called 'hot' areas of the world like Florida can be hit with sudden cold temperatures which result in frost and black ice on highways. Wherever you live or travel, you should be aware of how to cope with snow and icy driving conditions. The 10 tips in this article will help.


1. Make sure that you can see in all directions.

Before setting out on your trip, scrape all ice and frost off windows and brush snow away from the hood, roof, headlights, and taillights. Idling your car for about 5 minutes with front and rear-window defrosters engaged will make this job easier. Pay special attention to headlights and signal lights.

2. Inspect your tires.

You should have good all-season or winter tires. If they don't have sufficient tread, replace them. Check the air pressure of all tires, including your spare. You may need to consult your driver's manual. In many cars, recommended tire inflation pressure is printed on the driver's-side door post. Properly-inflated tires in good condition will give you better control and traction on the road.

3. Fill the gas tank before you leave.

A full or nearly-full gas tank will make your vehicle heavier. This promotes better handling on ice and snow. Frequent refueling stops may seem like a nuisance, but they will allow you to get out of the car and stretch - and help to prevent road-hypnosis and fatigue.

While You Travel

4. Never tailgate!

It is normally recommended that you stay 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you *-in good weather conditions on dry roads-*. If you are driving through slush, snow, or ice, you should at least quadruple the safety margin. A safer distance would be 10 seconds. Take note of a tree, fencepost, or other prominent item right beside the vehicle in front of you. Then begin to count slowly: 1001 - 1002 - 1003 - and so on - up to 1010. If you pass the reference item before you reach 1010, you are driving too fast. Gently ease off the accelerator until you are 10 seconds away.

5. Perform gradual steering and speed corrections.

Never make sudden lane changes - and always brake gently. A car can become an out-of-control missile if you ignore this rule. Turn your steering wheel slowly and pump brakes lightly. ABS brakes will automatically do the pumping for you if you apply soft, continuous pressure. If you decide to pass another vehicle, be sure that you have more room than usual, then edge out into the passing lane and gradually back into yours when safe to do so.

6. Front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles are superior.

Front-wheel drive vehicles are assisted by engine weight to naturally increase their traction and efficiency in snow. All-wheel drive systems automatically sense when one wheel doesn't have the same traction as the others, and will adjust torque accordingly. Rear-wheel drive vehicles don't have a lot of weight where you need it - above the rear wheels. To compensate for this, you can load sandbags or heavy luggage in your trunk. If possible, heavier passengers should travel in the back seat.

7. Skids don't have to scare you!

When in a skid immediately take your foot off the accelerator and DO NOT USE THE BRAKES! Steer gently in the direction of travel once you feel that the vehicle is back in control. Advance practice in an icy or snowy vacant lot may help you to become more proficient at steering out of skids.

8. Don't use high-beam headlights in a snow storm.

High beams reflect off snowflakes in the air. Use your low-beam headlights instead. They are directed down onto the road in front of your vehicle, providing much better visibility.

9. Entering a curve?

If you have to slow down for a curve, do so before you enter it. Speed changes while navigating a bend in the highway can throw your vehicle into a spin. If you accelerate or decelerate while navigating a curve, do so very gradually.

10. Adjust your speed for road conditions.

Posted speed limits are based on optimal conditions during dry weather and good visibility. Slow down! If you feel that you don't have full control of your vehicle, you are driving too quickly.

Advance preparation and reviewing these tips before you travel can make the difference between an enjoyable trip - and a disastrous one.

Copyright Kathy Steinemann: This article is free to publish only if this copyright notice, the byline, and the author's note below (with active links) are included.

Author's Note:

If you're looking for accommodations for a ski getaway, check 111 Travel Directory ... Planning a romantic couple's escape? Try Adult Escapes ... More articles by Kathy are available at 1st Rate Articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=KathySteinemann

Zero Percent Financing Offered By Ford

Zero Percent Financing Offered By Ford
By Jay Stevens

Up until Labor Day, you can purchase a Ford vehicle with zero percent financing for seventy two months. This was the main piece of news that the Ford Motor Company announced just very recently to the motoring public and to the automobile industry. Primarily, this move was done so as to sell out any remaining 2006 Ford vehicle models and in the process give way for the 2007 Ford line up.

If you have not yet heard, the Ford Motor Company has been suffering for several months now because of low and declining sales. Aside from that, the company is also suffering from loss of funds for they had just recently sent out a huge recall of several Ford vehicle models that were found out to be prone to starting fires. Of course, with that, the company would have to shell out huge amounts of money so as to replace any affected parts like Ford Granada parts as well as spending the money on people who would be doing the replacements and the testing of the recalled vehicles.

As per this new incentive program from the auto manufacturer from Dearborn, the company clarifies that this has been done not just for those customers who have excellent credit and live on the high end. Whitney Drake, one of Fords spokespeople, further explains that this program could be availed by anybody who is interested and simply has good credit scores. If you are interested, the zero percent financing program includes 2007 vehicles models from the company like the 2006 Ford Lincoln as well as 2006 Mercury vehicle models. Also included in the list is the Ford F-series pick up truck which is one of the companys best selling vehicles.

On the end of experts in the automotive industry, Paul Taylor, the chief economist of the National Automobile Dealers Association or the NADA, has his own analysis of the situation. He explains, After a hot summer and moderate sales, expect hotter sales pace in Big Three trucks fueled by incentives, and some increase in fleet placements. And this is exactly what Ford is doing.

Ford Granada parts

Jay Stevens works as a consultant for an established auto parts store in the country. He has expertise in automotive technology and has extensive knowledge on the auto parts industry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JayStevens

RV Tire Protection

RV Tire Protection
By Warren Hull

Very few RV tires actually wear out. Most of them rot out due at least partially to the sun. The sun's UV rays are persistently working away at the tire rubber. This deterioration leads to cracks in the sidewalls and tread areas. When these cracks get bad enough, your tire gives up. The result is at best a flat tire, at worst, a blowout. All of us have seen rigs along side the road with shredded tires.

Too often, the damage is not just the tire, but also damage to the rig. Sometimes, the end result is loss of control and a crash. It is important to actually inspect your tires for proper inflation and condition each trip out. If you have any doubts, go to your trusted tire supplier for an inspection. The life you save might be mine.

You cant stop tire deterioration, but you can sure slow it down. Just like you protect your skin from the sun, you can protect your tires from the sun. One of the best methods is to keep your tires out of the sun. How? Cover your tires. There are vinyl tire covers that wrap around the tire. There are flat tire covers that attach to the side of your rig and drape over the tires. The wrap around are less expensive, but more difficult to install. The flat allow air to circulate, match the rig better, easier to install especially without getting your sleeves dirty, but cost more. Plywood can be leaned up against them, but it does look tacky. Some chemical compounds can be applied like sun tan lotion. Not all work equally. In fact, some tire companies speak out against them. There are some that probably do more damage than good.

Actual use of your rig promotes tire longevity. The flexing of the tire through use actually releases some of the internal rubber compounds. These components help protect the tire. There is nothing like another reason to use your RV. If your RV is going to be parked for an extended period of time, then use a vapor barrier between the concrete or asphalt and your tire.

A major cause of tire failure is under inflation. Follow the instructions and inflate your tires to the proper pressure for your RV weight. Check the pressure when the tires are cold. Buy a decent tire pressure gauge from your local auto parts store. They are cheap when compared to the price of a tire. If you are not sure of the right pressure, your local tire store can help you. A tire failure leaves you stranded by the side of the road. A blow out usually damages your RV. Avoid the problem as much as possible.

Your tires are an important part of your rig. Once you have done what you can, then get out there and enjoy your travels. There are lots to see and many places to visit. Do it!

Warren Hull is a co-founder of http://RVSungard.com - RVSungard.com carries tire covers and windshield covers for your trailer, motor home, or other recreational vehicle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=WarrenHull

Tips on Buying a Used Recreational Vehicle

Tips on Buying a Used Recreational Vehicle
By Troy Shanahan

Buying a used recreational vehicle can be an intimidating undertaking, particularly if you do not know what you are searching for. The main thing to remember when looking for a used recreational vehicle is that it should align perfectly with your intended use. If you expect to use the recreational vehicle for an extended length of time, you need to make certain that the vehicle is working within strict mechanical standards and has enough horsepower to get to the places you want to go. It should be durable and safe, as well as excellent operationally so as to support a relaxed trip.

Buying a used recreational vehicle can also become somewhat of a roll of the dice. You cant always foresee what you are going to end up with in terms of just exactly how used a particular vehicle actually is. Thats why it is best to ask some questions and make sure you get answers.

If you arent satisfied with the answers at any point, stop the conversation and take your business to another dealer. Think about the information you are getting and take your time to explore options further. There is nothing worse than spending your money on something you do not really want, much less on something that will not serve its purpose within a few months and will become obsolete and useless.

Of course the first thing you will want to know about any used recreational vehicle is just how used it actually is. Looking at the vehicle itself is the best way to make sense of this issue. Try to uncover telltale signs of damage or possible problems with the exterior of the vehicle.

Dents, paint mismatches missing chrome can mean trouble. Have a look under the hood too; look over the engine for potential problems and talk to the dealer about it. Ask pointed questions about anything you do not understand. Dont be afraid to bring up any subject about your potential purchase. It is your money and your purchase, so your assurance is important.

Inquire about mileage, too. You want to know how far the vehicle has travelled on average trips, as well as how long has been driven in total. If it is used to making cross country voyages, it should be well broken in and durable enough for your purposes. If it has only experienced small trips, you may want something more experienced with larger trip sizes. But not too long trip sizes. All depends on your intended use for the used recreational vehicle.

Visit http://www.roadnix.com for tips on recreational vehicle storage and private rv rentals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=TroyShanahan

10 Tips On Buying A Car Online

10 Tips On Buying A Car Online
By Barry Allen

The most happening marketplace in the world today is the internet. E-commerce is here to stay on you can buy and sell just about anything on the World Wide Web from homes, to insurance, to cars to perfumes and medicines.

The internet is replete with websites that offer the world of automobiles at your fingertips. There are car directories, websites hosted by dealers, and websites owned by car manufacturers themselves.

In order to buy a car online you need first and foremost do your home work and learn all about online pricing, dealers tricks, sales strategies and more. Know how to get the best price and ensure that you are not cheated and get what you pay for. Remember knowledge is the greatest tool.

1.First and foremost determine what make of car you would like and whether or not it will fulfill your needs. Ask yourself: what am I going to use the car for; how many people will be traveling in the car; how much can I afford in terms of buying costs and running costs. Remember apart form the on road price you will need to spend for insurance, accessories, licenses, and more.

2.Once you know which model you want log on to the manufacturers site and determine all the details of the model as well as specifications and pricing. Read as many reviews on the car you like as possible and note down what the pros and cons of the car are. Reliable reviews on the web can be found at sites like www.caranddriver.com .

3.Get quotes for the same model from more than one dealer and make a comparison of what is on offer. Websites like www.edmunds.com give MSRPs, invoice prices, true market values and more.

4.Work out in detail what the car is going to cost in totality. That is on road price, dealers charges, insurance, taxes and so on. Find out whether you can buy the car by availing a loan and how much the loan will cover. To get the best rate you must provide the lender with your credit score and history and establish your credentials. There are tools on the internet that enable quick computation of loan options and comparisons.

5.Make a list of questions you need answers for from the dealer such as warranties, delivery costs, insurance coverage, cost of filing up the tank, available discounts, and any offers that give discounts on the price or free accessories like music systems or baby seats. Ask about whether they will furnish an onsite inspection report.

6.You can opt to buy insurance either from the dealer or from insurance sites. Even while purchasing insurance you will need to do a comparison shopping. Get quotes from different auto insurance providers and make the effort to compare insurance coverage packages.

7.There are wonderful sites on the internet that provide in depth information for newbies on how to buy a car and what to look for on the World Wide Web. Be sure to read and be an informed buyer.

8.Before you make any payments you must do a background check on the seller. Find out how long they have been in operation; ask for references that you can check on personally; check online whether there are any complaints registered against them for unethical practices; and check with the local better business bureau. Always check the credentials to protect your interests.

9.Ensure that the website from where you intend to buy a car has state-of art security systems in place and that the payment gateways are secure. You must be assured of your safety before providing personal or financial details.

10.Before finalizing the car purchase, read through the agreement carefully and when in any doubt ask for clarifications. Most online auto sales websites have 24/7 customer service or answer e-mails promptly.

The World Wide Web can bring several conveniences to your desk top provided you know how to protect your interests.

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for http://www.1866cars.com/ , the premier website to find help on Cars including topics on car rental, national car rental, thrifty car rental, online car rental, pickup trucks rental, cargo van rental and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Auto Loans site http://www.1888autoloans.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BarryAllen

10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental

10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental
By Barry Allen

Renting a car for personal or business trips has become easy with the advent of the World Wide Web. There are many car rental agencies and directories online, and so one can rent a car of choice without blinking an eye.

For many of us renting a car can be a hassle and cause tensions if things go haywire at the last minute. Here are a few tips that can make car rental hassle free:

1.Try and firm up travel plans and make your reservation at least a week in advance. If you book early you will get better rates. And, many car rental companies offer discounts for bookings made online.

2.Choose the car rental company carefully. Use comparison tools available on several websites to compare rates, service, and different vehicles.

3.Read through the contract and make sure you find out what the terms and conditions of cancelling a booking are. Also determine who is responsible for filling gas and what happens if there is a break down.

4.Protect your own interest by insisting on a thorough check before you get into the car and one when you return it. This way you will not be charged for dents and such when you return the car.

5.Try and use the same company whenever you need to rent a car. Most car rental online sites have loyalty programs and offer great discounts as well as quick service to repeat customers.

6.Determine when the car was last serviced and whether the car insurance and other permits are all in order.

7.If your auto insurance does not cover rental cars consider taking car rental insurance. Before you take an auto insurance policy try and review the plan with regard to provisions, limitations, and exclusions. Find out the extent of liability coverage.

8.When filling the form give all relevant details: how many travelers will there be; are there any children; where you will be going; when you will return the car and where and so on.

9.Keep documentation is proof of ID, credit card, and drivers license handy. Find out whether you need any further permissions or permits where you intend to drive. Different states within the US and different countries abroad have their own unique set of rules.

10.Find out whether vehicles picked up at an airport incur extra costs; ask if the company you are renting the car from offers free pick up and drop options; find out what the companys 24?7 emergency contact numbers are; ask about roadside assistance and what the working hours of the companys offices are.

Be a knowledgeable car renter and read the many articles and tips on the internet devoted to car rental. If you are organized and systematic car rental will not be a problem and soon you will be a pro!

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for http://www.1866carrental.com , the premier website for car rental, cheap car rental, online reservation, information about discount car rental companies, special offers, car rental guidance, tips, articles, How to, directories and many more. He also freelances for the premier Cars site http://www.1866cars.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BarryAllen

10 MORE Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas

10 MORE Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas
By Pete Lance

Learn some of the best tips to get optimum gas mileage. Here weve compiled 10 more tips to help you stretch your dollar at the gas station!

If you have not seen our previous article (10 Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas), you might want to do a search for it on our website (http://www.usgastracker.org) or on Google.

Alright, on to the tips!

Tip 1: Watch Your Gas
You should be aware of the amount of fuel you use. Notice your car's performance, such as the mileage per gallon. When fuel efficiency decreases, your car may need servicing.

Tip 2: Buy Gas from a Busy Station
A gas station that is consistently busy has to refill its underground tanks regularly. Slower stations that don't refill as often may have stale contaminated gas in its underground tanks, and this contamination will affect your fuel economy.

Tip 3: Turn the Nozzle
After you have finished filling up your tank, you should twist the gas pump nozzle a full 180 degrees. This will drain a bit more gas into your tank, sometimes up to an entire half cup. If you don't do this, the extra gas would just be a bonus to the next gas customer.

Tip 4: Tighten the Gas Cap
Tighten your gas cap until it clicks. This will help prevent the gasoline from evaporating and escaping.

Tip 5: Check Your Cars Tire Pressure
You should check your car's tire pressure regularly. Under inflated tires reduce your car's fuel efficiency, and also causes premature tire wear, affecting the life-span of your tires.

Tip 6: Remove Excess Weight from Your Car
You should remove excess weight from your car. Some people use the car trunk as a storage space, adding unnecessary weight to the car. This will reduce your car's fuel efficiency.

Tip 7: Keep Your Car Tuned-Up
Always keep your car tuned up to ensure optimum performance. Car's that have not been serviced for a long time often have poorer fuel efficiency.

Tip 8: Use Your Car Less
You can try to arrange car pools with co-workers to reduce the cost of getting to work. To save even more, you can drive less and walk, bike or run to your intended destination, especially if the place is nearby.

Tip 9: Change Your Work Start Time
If it is possible, change your work start and end time to avoid traffic congestions. Stopping and going affects your gas mileage.

Tip 10: Dont Fill Up When the Price is High
Lastly, when the price is high, don't fill up. You should wait for the prices to go down before you fill up, especially if your gas tank is more than half full. Filling up when the price is high tells the gas companies that people are willing to pay ridiculous prices for gasoline.

One last tip: Sign up for a free daily email with the lowest gas prices for your zip code.http://www.usgastracker.org

About the Author:
Pete Lance is the founder of http://USGasTracker.org, a premier company which helps the consumer save money on gasoline. Thousands of gas stations across the nation are tracked daily to guarantee the lowest prices on gasoline anywhere in the United States.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=PeteLance

#1 Problem for New Car Buyers

#1 Problem for New Car Buyers
By Al Hearn

Recent reports by automotive industry legal insiders say the top problem that gets car dealers into legal trouble is rolling negative equity into a new car loan or lease without telling customers.

Rolling negative equity from an old auto loan into a new loan or lease is not illegal. But it is if the customer doesn't know it's happening and isn't told. Unfortunately, many new and inexperienced car buyers don't understand negative equity and don't ask about it.

Negative equity is the difference between a vehicle's current market value, or trade-in value, and the outstanding balance on the customer's loan. In these days of long-term loans with little or no down payment, it's common for car buyers to be upside down for nearly the entire time they're paying off the loan.

Car dealers advertise that they will pay off your old loan, no matter what you still owe. That's true. But what they don't say is that the negative equity from the old loan will simply get rolled into the new loan, effectively creating two loans in one. New car buyers often miss the details of this maneuver, and aren't properly disclosed about it.

Sometimes, dealers mask this problem, and avoid the disclosure, by increasing a vehicle's cash price by the amount of the negative equity. Customers often find out about the problem after the deal is done.

This single problem accounts for the majority of all pending lawsuits against car dealers in the U.S., say the experts.

The problem doesn't always happen intentionally. Because most dealers have no guidlelines or procedures that require the disclosure, it often gets overlooked in the heat of deal negotiations.

Smart consumers will already know if they are upside down on their old loan before they enter a dealer showroom to purchase or lease a new car. They will also know that their negative equity will be combined with any new loan or lease, increasing monthly payments and loan costs. Even when the customer knows what is going on, it is not usually a good thing to do because it creates an even more serious upside down situation with the new loan.


Al Hearn is founder, owner, and operator of The Insider Network for automotive consumers. The web site uses a blog format to report news, advice, and essential information from insiders in the automotive consumer industry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AlHearn