
10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental

10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental
By Barry Allen

Renting a car for personal or business trips has become easy with the advent of the World Wide Web. There are many car rental agencies and directories online, and so one can rent a car of choice without blinking an eye.

For many of us renting a car can be a hassle and cause tensions if things go haywire at the last minute. Here are a few tips that can make car rental hassle free:

1.Try and firm up travel plans and make your reservation at least a week in advance. If you book early you will get better rates. And, many car rental companies offer discounts for bookings made online.

2.Choose the car rental company carefully. Use comparison tools available on several websites to compare rates, service, and different vehicles.

3.Read through the contract and make sure you find out what the terms and conditions of cancelling a booking are. Also determine who is responsible for filling gas and what happens if there is a break down.

4.Protect your own interest by insisting on a thorough check before you get into the car and one when you return it. This way you will not be charged for dents and such when you return the car.

5.Try and use the same company whenever you need to rent a car. Most car rental online sites have loyalty programs and offer great discounts as well as quick service to repeat customers.

6.Determine when the car was last serviced and whether the car insurance and other permits are all in order.

7.If your auto insurance does not cover rental cars consider taking car rental insurance. Before you take an auto insurance policy try and review the plan with regard to provisions, limitations, and exclusions. Find out the extent of liability coverage.

8.When filling the form give all relevant details: how many travelers will there be; are there any children; where you will be going; when you will return the car and where and so on.

9.Keep documentation is proof of ID, credit card, and drivers license handy. Find out whether you need any further permissions or permits where you intend to drive. Different states within the US and different countries abroad have their own unique set of rules.

10.Find out whether vehicles picked up at an airport incur extra costs; ask if the company you are renting the car from offers free pick up and drop options; find out what the companys 24?7 emergency contact numbers are; ask about roadside assistance and what the working hours of the companys offices are.

Be a knowledgeable car renter and read the many articles and tips on the internet devoted to car rental. If you are organized and systematic car rental will not be a problem and soon you will be a pro!

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for http://www.1866carrental.com , the premier website for car rental, cheap car rental, online reservation, information about discount car rental companies, special offers, car rental guidance, tips, articles, How to, directories and many more. He also freelances for the premier Cars site http://www.1866cars.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BarryAllen